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Have you ever had those days where you feel ugly inside? Maybe it was a busy day where you had a lot to do and not a lot of time, and you feel like the world is against you. Traffic was obviously planted there by satan to ruin your day, your order was not ready for pickup and you are going to be late for a meeting, or your baby decides to wake up 10 times in the middle of the night, and then your coffee maker isn’t working the next morning…everyone is out to get me.

Before pointing out how untrue that remark is, I want to say I have thought these thoughts and felt these feelings a lot recently. As much as I hate saying, “I’ve been really busy lately,” the truth is, I have! But that can’t be an excuse for my poor behavior. My inability to perform perfectly on a daily basis cannot be blamed on circumstances or those around me. I have to take ownership for my faults and recognize that I am a human. I was never designed to be a perfect being that handles every frustration life throws at me effortlessly.

Be Filled

That can be difficult for anyone to accept—especially a perfectionist and a Christian. There are days where I do not earnestly seek to be filled with the Spirit, and all that’s left is Stephanie with all her vulnerabilities and human tendencies. On these days I can get easily frustrated by people “in my way” and sometimes even show it. It’s times like these I think, oh, please don’t find out I am a Christian. How ironic and ridiculous and pitiful. It saddens me even more because I know that my impatience is the result of being far from the Lord. Without the Spirit penetrating my heart, I am hopeless in my weaknesses.

When I misrepresent Christ in this world I feel pretty ugly inside because I know that I have missed an opportunity to give Him glory. It’s moments like those where I stop in my tracks and have to do some reevaluating. It’s moment like those where I realize that I am not as great or strong as I thought, and I am just as much in need of His strength today as I was the moment I became a believer.



One thing never changes in a believer’s life. While we may grow more experienced and wiser, our need for Him never changes. And if it isn’t Him reminding us, it is our own humanness that will. But how relieving is it that God does not leave us helpless and hopeless in our weaknesses?


Power Perfected

2 Corinthians 12:9 says, “But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is perfected in weakness.’ Therefore, I will most gladly boast all the more about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may reside in me.”


Something beautiful happens when we invite and allow the Spirit to enter into our weak areas. And though we don’t deserve His help, He shows us grace and strengthens us in those times. Our weak moments are opportunities to experience His grace and His power and to ultimately give Him glory. When we rely on His strength, we get to witness the supernatural power that transcends flesh. On days when I feel discouraged, I remember this truth and it gives me great hope and comfort.Visit

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Stephanie McGraw

Author Stephanie McGraw

Stephanie is a Nashville-based writer who enjoys hearing people's stories, spending time with her husband and two cats, and cooking for family and friends. She is proudly a, Canadiassyriamerican (an Assyrian born in Canada and living in the U.S). She has studied Ministry Leadership and Women's Ministry, and wants to share the hope and restoration she found in Christ with others.

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