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Do you feel stuck? At times, we think we are going in the right direction but deep inside we know we aren’t getting anywhere. I’ve spent so much time in different seasons of my life trying to get unstuck. Only by the grace of God and guidance from my mentor am I able to find my purpose and direction. How about you? Are you growing on God’s great adventure for your life?

Only by the grace of God and guidance from my mentor am I able to walk across the bridge to find my purpose and direction. How about you are you growing on God's great adventure for your life? Share on X

Why is Growing on God’s Great Adventure Important?

I believe this is exactly what God has for us as we are on God’s great adventure. He desires for us to step out in faith and trust Him with every aspect of our lives. Faith is a journey, a journey we dare not take alone. We need the courage to seek a godly mentor or coach and ask the hard questions. God created you on purpose. He knows your name and cares about every detail in your life. You can trust God has a spiritual direction for your life.

“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” (Colossians 2:6-7 NIV)

Things To Know About Growth

Some things we should know right from the beginning:

  • God calls us to walk the unknown path and trust Him on the journey (Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV)
  • You are not alone. God will be with us on this journey every step of the way
  • God has a plan for each generation to lead the younger generation through faith
  • There are multiple examples of mentors and mentoring relationships in the Bible

Life is too short you don’t have to do life alone. Allow me to share my mentoring story and how important it is for you to grow on God’s great adventure for your life.

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What is God’s Great Adventure?

One definition of adventure is “an exciting or very unusual experience; participation in exciting undertaking or enterprises.”  I love this description and how this dictionary uses the word exciting. I want to shout it loud, “Yes! God’s great adventure is exciting and life-changing.” Do you get excited when you read God’s Word? You Can! 

Secrets About A Mentoring Relationship

Whether you have a mentor, can’t seem to find one, or haven’t even thought to look, now is the time to start the journey.

  1. Having a Mentor can propel you forward in your faith journey
  2. A Mentoring Relationship can help you get unstuck
  3. Mentoring will guide you through your brokeness
  4. Your Mentor reconnects you with the Truth of God’s Word for your life

Related Post: 4 Little Known Secrets About Mentoring

Related Online Course: Becoming the Mentor Millennials Want and Need



The beautiful thing about this adventure called faith is that we can count on Him never to lead us astray. Chuck Swindoll Share on X

Learn about the Power in Prayer

Did you know there are 650 prayers listed in the Bible? There is power in prayer and God’s Word gives us plenty of examples of how to pray and the importance of having a prayer life.  Prayer is how we communicate with God anywhere and at any time. This is another reason to shout for joy.

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 NIV)

Are you growing on God's Great Adventure for your life? Only by the grace of God and my mentor am I able to find my purpose and direction.


Learning how to pray has blessed my life and I encourage you to seek the Lord in prayer each day.

3 Simple Things To Start Your Prayer Life

  1. Prayer is a conversation with God
  2. We can be real with God and specific
  3. Learn how to be still and listen is an important part of your prayer life

Related Post: What I Learned from My Mentor about Prayer

Learning how to pray is important for us as believers and especially as we get closer to Easter. I highly recommend a new prayer journal and guide written by my friend Arabah Joy to stay on God’s great adventure. She has created a life-transforming prayer challenge designed to feed your soul each day with TRUTH.  During this FREE 40-day challenge, you will cultivate a daily habit of praying God’s word and learn to live from a place of confidence and peace.

Could your heart benefit from that? Me too. 

Join me for this FREE 40-day Praying the Promises of the Cross Challenge, let’s experience fresh renewal and intimacy with God as together we pray powerful promises from His word.

Are you growing on God's Great Adventure for your life? Only by the grace of God and my mentor am I able to find my purpose and direction.

3 Helpful Category Lists to Equip You to On Your God Adventure

1. Listen to others mentoring God stories for inspiration and hope from Face To Face Mentoring Podcast

2. Connect with godly Christian blogs/websites

3. Read Christian Inspirational Books from Jayme’s Book List

4. Audible Books I recommend:

I will pray for you to be encouraged and equipped as you grow on God’s great adventure. May God help you become the person He created you to be.

What have you learned from this post as you seek a new mindset and seek a mentoring relationship? I’d love to hear your God story and what you are learning and applying to your life.

Will you pray and seek a godly mentor or coach today? Be encouraged. There is mighty power in prayer!

To God be the Glory,

Your thoughts and comments matter. Leave your prayer request below.


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Jayme Hull

Author Jayme Hull

Jayme a Spiritual Direction Coach. Mentor, Author, and Podcast Host is passionate about moving Christian Women forward to God's direction for their life through Scripture and prayer. Join the Spiritual Direction Coaching Today Facebook private page or connect with her on Instagram.

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