“They celebrate your abundant goodness and joyfully sing of your righteousness.” Psalm 145:7 The creak of the door signaled Zechariah’s arrival. He’d been serving at the temple for two weeks….
Denise Loock is the author of two devotional books that highlight the scriptural truths of classic hymns and gospel songs, Open Your Hymnal and Open Your Hymnal Again. She is the founder of Dig Deeper Devotions, a website that encourages Christians of all ages to dig deeper into the Word of God. She also speaks at conference centers, luncheons, and retreats.
“They celebrate your abundant goodness and joyfully sing of your righteousness.” Psalm 145:7 The creak of the door signaled Zechariah’s arrival. He’d been serving at the temple for two weeks….
Mary was an ordinary teenager living in a nondescript village when the angel Gabriel arrived on her doorstep with an extraordinary message: “You have found favor with God. And behold,…
She’s identified only as “the wife of a man from the company of the prophets” (2 Kings 4:1). But the Bible reveals enough of her character to inspire me—and convict…
Her story is told in three verses, yet the legacy of her faith has endured for almost 3,000 years. She was simply a “young girl” taken captive by the Aramean…
Martha of Bethany had a servant’s heart. She welcomed Jesus and his disciples into her home on many occasions. She’s often mislabeled a whiner because she complained about her sister…
Some may have called her the Wonder Woman of Ephraim. She was definitely a hero who fought the forces of evil in a dark period of Israel’s history. Her…
We often struggle to feel secure in life. The temptation to white-knuckle life for control is alive and well and many times an issue of sin. Today’s guest author will…
She had a husband who loved her as purely and completely as a man could. She communed with God every day. She enjoyed perfect health, and her beauty was unequaled….
The women who ministered to Jesus and His disciples during the three years He traveled throughout Palestine was a diverse group. Matthew lists Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James…
“Disaster is hanging over our master and his whole household.” The servant’s words were laced with fear. What could one woman do to prevent such a catastrophe? The Bible…
The man who wanted him dead slept within a sword’s length of the innocent fugitive. “Today God has delivered your enemy into your hands,” the fugitive’s companion whispered. “Now let…
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