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“Jesus said, “Unless you CHANGE and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:3-4

Do you resist change? Can you think of anyone who would rather be miserable than make a change?

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    Before the beginning of time God created the world and knew all about change. God knew he would send His only Son from heaven to change the world.

    John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son, so that everyone who believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.”

    Did anyone else choose to change in this miraculous Christmas event? Let’s think for a moment about the lives involved in the Christmas story.

    It all started with a young innocent teenager, Mary the mother of Jesus. She chooses to follow God’s plan that would change her life forever. She carried, delivered and raised God’s Son the Messiah. She would have to face tremendous difficulties.

    Joseph, Mary’s husband, chose to change his ideas of what a perfect family looks like. He accepted the part he would play in God’s plan as he protected and supplied every need for the baby Jesus and his teenage wife.

    The Shepherds experienced change in their lives. They were honored to be the first and only people selected for the appearance of the heavenly angels. How exciting to hear the announcement of the Good News and run to see the newborn baby in Bethlehem. No longer would they feel unnoticed or forgotten.

    The Wisemen chose to change their position and daily routine as they followed a star. They chose to bow before a baby to acknowledge Him as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

    Where are you in the story?

    Are you a teenager like Mary and Joseph who needs a Savior? Do you need the courage to change and follow Jesus?

    Are you a 20-40 something who secretly longs to be noticed like the Shepherds? Are you willing to make the changes needed to run to Jesus with your hearts desires?

    Are you older now and have years of wisdom and life experiences like the wisemen? Do you need of a change of heart? Are you willing to reach out to the younger generation and share the Good News?

    The fact is whatever season of life you are in God has a plan for your life.  When we follow the Lord Jesus Christ in an authentic relationship we will be changed.

    honestly. . .

    Change is hard but always necessary. Change requires us to grow. If we stop growing, we stop living.

    The Good News about change is the process. We can change and grow in our walk with the Lord on a day-to-day basis. Today is the best time to begin the change. Celebrate new life this Christmas.

    Henry Blackaby writes,

    “It is impossible to worship God and remain unchanged.”

    All of the people mentioned in the Christmas story had two things in common. They were ordinary people who heard from God and decided to change and join His plan for their life.

    You can begin to change today. Start by sharing this conversation with another person or your family. What do others see happening in your life? Pray and ask God to speak to you today.

    Secondly, like the shepherds and the wisemen you too can decide to take action and “Go” to meet your Savior Jesus Christ.

    Now tell me: what are your thoughts about changing your life for Christ this Christmas?

    Jayme Hull

    Author Jayme Hull

    Jayme a Spiritual Direction Coach. Mentor, Author, and Podcast Host is passionate about moving Christian Women forward to God's direction for their life through Scripture and prayer. Join the Spiritual Direction Coaching Today Facebook private page or connect with her on Instagram.

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    Join the discussion 2 Comments

    • Lindey says:

      I am prone to wrestle with change. It’s not easy for me, especially when the picture I painted does not align with the one the Lord is revealing to me. However, in seeking Him and following His lead, I learn that change is good, it’s healthy and deepens (and strengthens) our faith in God. If we choose to remain unchanged we miss out on what God has in store for us and others.

    • Jayme says:

      Love seeing you here, Lindey. Thanks for your helpful comments.

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