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“Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10

Is it acceptable to be quiet for just one moment?

The world says we need to keep ourselves busy. If we are super busy we must be important and successful. Unfortunately, so many of us fall into the “busy” trap at the Christmas season. I’ve always struggled with having too much on my plate. I’m striving to change. How about you? Can you relate?

I’m learning not to fill my schedule with work and volunteering just to avoid downtime. It’s amazing what God will do when I’m willing to set my own agenda aside and spend time with him.

Is your Christmas season already filled with stress. . . anxiety. . . emptiness. . . or . . . financial worries?

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    I’d like to share one solution to restoring our souls.

    Begin this Christmas season by setting aside 15 minutes every morning to be quiet and listen to God.

    While reading the Christmas story in Luke 2 you will discover Mary and Joseph had special quiet moments. Grab a Bible or download a Bible App and read it for yourself. Begin reading the first two chapters of the New Testament book of Luke. Here are two verses from Luke mentioning times of quiet moments:

    Luke 2:19 “…but Mary quietly treasures these things in her heart and often thought about them.”
    Luke 2:33 “Jesus’ father and mother were speechless with surprise at these words.”

    God was moving in a mysterious way in the lives of Mary and Joseph. They were asked to accept their part in God’s ultimate plan to be the earthly parents of the baby Jesus, the Savior of the world. It was time to be quiet.

    Can you reserve 15 minutes each morning for God?

    I know what you are thinking…

    Making time to be alone with God is easier said than done.

                Priscilla Shirer writes,

                “We serve a God who is waiting to hear from you, and He can’t wait to respond.

    This is what God said  in Jeremiah 33:3,

    “Call unto me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things which you do not know.”

    Over the years, I’ve learned something about God’s faithfulness . . .

    If I take the time each day to read God’s word and quietly pray . . . He’s always there waiting on me.”

    This Christmas why not give God your time with an authentic heart and receive his gift of peace, joy and restoration.

    Dear God,
    I’m tired of being overwhelmed every Christmas season. I need a change. Help me slowdown long enough to hear you speak. The world is so noisy. I want to be quiet. Please restore to me the calm and quiet moments again. I long to experience your presence in a new way. I want to believe you still speak to people today like in Bible times, Lord, help me with my unbelief.

    Share your comments and encouragements in the comment section!

    Jayme Hull

    Author Jayme Hull

    Jayme a Spiritual Direction Coach. Mentor, Author, and Podcast Host is passionate about moving Christian Women forward to God's direction for their life through Scripture and prayer. Join the Spiritual Direction Coaching Today Facebook private page or connect with her on Instagram.

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    Join the discussion 2 Comments

    • Mary Kay says:

      Oh Jayme! Thank you for pulling me off the wheel I was running aimlessly on. Ah Christmas…today I will revel in the wonder of it all.

      • Jayme says:

        Mary Kay, you are not alone! Let’s encourage each other to pause and be refreshed by God’s Word this Christmas. Thanks for sharing your encouraging comment today!

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