Have you been thinking about becoming a mentor?
I received a question on Facebook from a friend recently asking for advice and encouragement, as she becomes a mentor in a new mentoring relationship.
Do you want to hear more of God’s thoughts and spiritual direction for your life? I help women join God’s great adventure to make this the best season of their…
“A supervisor I once had said, ‘If the devil can’t steal your victory he’ll try to steal your joy.’” I’ve found his words to be true. My surgery had gone…
The millennials in your life are craving relationships. It’s not just success they are longing for—it is a desire to feel connected, to make an impact, and to know that…
Are things getting a little fuzzy? When was the last time you had your eyes checked? Did you know your brain has the ability to ignore the visual signals coming…
Is it hard for you to make a decision? Do you need to make a very important decision soon and can’t make up your mind? There is absolutely nothing you will face today that God doesn’t have a word of wisdom or encouragement for you in the Bible. You may not believe me. Read the Scriptures for yourself.
Do you over pack your bag when you are traveling or are you someone who will only use your carry-on luggage?
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