As a young professional in New York City, surrounded by stars and fashion, I often felt about two inches tall. Unseen by some, judged by others. Sure, I had a few…
Do you have a Mentor? Better yet. . . would you consider becoming a godly Mentor? Every one longs to be heard and valued. All of us want to be known and share our God stories. The blessing of a godly Mentoring Relationship is being heard, encouraged and loved.
God is in every detail of the Christmas story. In Luke 1:37 the angel tells Mary, “For nothing will be impossible with God.”
Have you ever said,” I can’t see far ahead of me, fog and dark clouds block my view. I need a redo!”
What is scarier, the unknown of what’s ahead or not seeing right where you are?
Do you have anything you’re stuck on in your prayers?Is there one thing that continues to creep onto the Prayer List? You see, on my own I wasn’t moving. I needed to admit to my Mentor I’m stuck.I needed a godly friend and Mentor who would help me keep moving forward in trusting God to help me.
I clearly remember walking along the street in my early twenty’s and asking the Lord, “Please send me someone who can walk through life with me. I’m lonely. I need guidance on my career decisions. I need help!” Can you relate?
Embrace every moment. Are you willing to embrace your place in life right now? God has a plan for your life!
Looking ahead, the New Year is full of promise and potential but the choice is up to us. Are we willing to change our old ways, old habits, fears and worries and trust God at His Word as we walk worthy of our calling?
Are you going through a rough Christmas season? Are you secretly dreading Christmas Eve and Christmas Day? Many Christian homes this Christmas will search for a way to handle their aching and broken hearts.
But there is Good News!
Do you ever just pray a quick prayer and then run out the door with your busy schedule and forget to be watching for the Lord’s answer? Be encouraged. God is listening. Share your God story
Are you an early morning person? Most of the time I am, but this morning I was moving slow. I could tell I needed an extra dose of energy and encouragement to get through the day.
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