Who is inspiring you? What actions are they inspiring you to live out?
Mentoring is a face to face relationship where one believer gives Spiritual Direction Coaching to another believer. Mentoring helps Christian women keep moving forward toward God’s direction for their lives!
Who is inspiring you? What actions are they inspiring you to live out?
God has something to say to us everyday. He will speak to us through scriptures, prayer, people and circumstances. But God is not a consultant.
Do you ever just pray a quick prayer and then run out the door with your busy schedule and forget to be watching for the Lord’s answer? Be encouraged. God is listening. Share your God story
The book of Titus is the third book written by Paul to a younger leader he is mentoring. We will observe how Paul is pouring his love, teaching and life into Titus and Timothy on a regular basis.
The Book of First Timothy focuses on leadership. Paul is writing to his young apprentice, Timothy with excellent advice, encouragement, training and instructions that we can apply to our lives today.
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