Are you stuck in your past? Most days I have to fight my thoughts and feeling from the past. Do you need something to help you move forward with determination…
Your story is where your life meets the good news of Jesus Christ. Sharing your story is the calling of every Christian. Some call it the Gospel, others call it the Salvation message but both are good news and must be shared. When you share your story in a real way it helps others grow.
Are you stuck in your past? Most days I have to fight my thoughts and feeling from the past. Do you need something to help you move forward with determination…
I remember entering high school and being fascinated with people’s stories—especially the juicy ones. Who wouldn’t be, right? In the “binge-watching” generation, we all love a good story that peeks…
Amazingly, at each stop along my life journey, whether I lived in one place for two years or thirteen, I’ve met people who made an impact on who I was…
You do your daily tasks and think that no one even notices. You serve at church, cross the street to help a neighbor or cook another meal for your family….
I’m a resale fanatic. A die-hard Second Hand Rose. In other words, I love to recycle, repurpose, and reuse other people’s stuff. If we ever meet and there seems to…
Do you wish you had someone to walk alongside you to help you navigate through life? If so, be encouraged because you are not alone. I know exactly how you…
One of my favorite things to do is to meet new people. I enjoy spending time talking and sharing our God stories over a cup of coffee or iced tea. Stories…
A recent study shows that Millennials are the largest living generation in America today. This generation is unique and diverse. They are the first generation to be born into using…
Have you ever struggled with the feelings that I’m never enough? Not smart enough. Not outgoing enough. Not interesting enough? I could never become a mentor. Attempting new things can…
“Gosh, life is a lot more complicated then I thought it would be. Reality really kicks in after college graduation,” she chuckled. “Honestly, I don’t have a clue what I’m…
Do you need a safe place to talk about life? Oh, friend, I know I do. I treasure having a Mentor in my life that keeps me accountable and listens…
Do you resist change? Can you think of anyone who would rather be miserable than make a change?
Before the beginning of time God created the world and knew all about change. God knew he would send His only Son from heaven to change the world.
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