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Who will you invite to your Thanksgiving table this weekend? Who is on your Thanksgiving guest list? No matter what circumstances you are facing this holiday, don’t forget to invite Jesus to your table.

There is no better time than Thanksgiving to pray with a grateful heart and spend time reading God’s Word. Will Jesus feel welcomed at your home and in your heart this holiday? Here are four scriptures to help you get your thankful heart started:

  • “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.” 1 Chronicles 16:34
  • “The Lord is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song, I give thanks to him.” Psalm 28:7
  • “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.” Colossians 3:15
  • “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18


There is no better time than Thanksgiving to pray and spend time reading God's Word. Share on X


Thanksgiving Conversation Starters

Thanksgiving is a great time for meaningful family and friends conversations and reflections on the past year and what you are thankful for. Whether you are blessed with people in your home face-to-face or need to use the internet or facetime, today is the time to say “thank you” and “I love you.”

Do you struggle with what to say or how to keep the conversation going? Here are 8 conversation starters for your conversations this weekend:

  1. Name your favorite activity you like to do on Thanksgiving?
  2. What’s your favorite dessert for Thanksgiving?
  3. Tell me about your morning ritual?
  4. If you had an extra $100. what would you buy this week?
  5. If you could spend Thanksgiving with one person from history, who would it be and why?
  6. What is the one thing you are hoping for this Christmas?
  7. Share one of your favorite family memories.
  8. What is one thing you are grateful for today?


Thanksgiving Joy and Peace

This year was crazy and uncertain for everyone. The one thing I can give thanks for this Thanksgiving weekend is the joy and peace that comes from knowing and trusting the Lord Jesus Christ. He is my best 24/7 friend and I can talk to Him at any time. Over the last three weeks, I had two friends and one relative leave this world and cross over to Glory with God in heaven. Although this is a sad time for us left behind, what a glorious journey to heaven for them.

Jesus desires a personal relationship with you. This is what sets Him apart from other gods in the world. No other god is like our God. If you know Jesus and He calls you by name, give thanks with all of your heart. Jesus is interceding for you right now and He knows your deepest hurts and desires. You are not alone. He sees you and knows you by name.

Related Post: 32 Best Thanksgiving Verses

Thanksgiving Prayer

How are you and God? Did you make a personal commitment to the Lord Jesus yet, if not, now is the time to surrender to God and become a child of the King. God is your Maker and He formed you in your mother’s womb. Now is the time to dedicate your life to Christ and be an obedient follower of Christ. He is longing for you to come to Him. He is waiting to enter into a personal relationship with you for eternity. What a wonderful gift to receive on Thanksgiving!

Above all, if you are longing for joy and peace to enter your life once again, you are not alone. Let’s pray for the restoration of God’s joy and peace to enter your heart again and bless you this Thanksgiving.

Dear Lord Jesus, I long for my joy restored. I’m tired of feeling sad. Your word tells me You are watching over me and care about my needs. I’m holding on to your promises. Right now I’ve got very little strength or joy. Help me, Holy Spirit! I want things to change. No one can understand how this world became crazy and upside down. Today I’m reaching out to You, Lord. Please, give me Your guidance and wisdom to get me through another day and the rest of this year. Show me how to live for You. Reveal Yourself to me this Thanksgiving. No matter what may come, I will praise Your name, Jesus, My Rescuer, and Redeemer. Amen!



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What is your favorite Conversation Starter? Don’t forget to write your comment below.

To God be the Glory,


Jayme Hull

Author Jayme Hull

Jayme a Spiritual Direction Coach. Mentor, Author, and Podcast Host is passionate about moving Christian Women forward to God's direction for their life through Scripture and prayer. Join the Spiritual Direction Coaching Today Facebook private page or connect with her on Instagram.

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