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Every so often one of my top failures as a mother resurfaces—either through the retelling by my children—or a simple reminder by circumstance. Let me just say, before I share my failure, one of my strengths is my ability to focus on a task. However, on the flipside, one of my weaknesses is my tendency to become consumed by the task my focus is on. I can lose track of time and all sense of responsibility when focused on a task or activity.

Once, I forgot to pick my son up from school (I met him walking on the road not far from the school after I dashed out the door, realizing I was late). Another time I was so focused on a project at work, I completely forgot that I needed to take my daughter to school for her volleyball game (I’m still grateful for my friend who came to her rescue when she couldn’t get ahold of me). I’m pretty sure they’ve forgiven me, but I know they haven’t forgotten. At times my inability to turn away from the task at hand has delayed me —causing me to overlook important events. Unfortunately, important people, as well.

I recently realized—while reading the story of Moses’ encounter with God at the Burning Bush—how failing to turn our focus away from our tasks might cause us to miss out significantly. Moses had been tending to the flock of his father-in-law for approximately forty years when “The Angel of the Lord appeared to him in a blazing flame of fire from the midst of a bush, and he looked, and behold, the bush was on fire, yet it was not consumed” (Exodus 3:2, AMP). Can you imagine? I wonder if he thought he’d lost his mind.

Then Moses said, “I must turn away [from the flock] and see this great sight—why the bush is not burned up” (Exodus 3:3).

Confirmation! It’s okay to talk to yourself! Moses did. He told himself he had to turn away from what he was doing to see what God was doing.

He was busy. He was working. He was living his life and taking care of business.

There will be times when we must take our eyes off the flock if we are to see the greatness of God. And it may require using our voice: “I must turn away from [your flock] and see what God is up to in this.”

What’s your flock: Work? Friends? Family? Over-stuffed-calendar? Unhealthy relationships? Addiction? Self?

Here’s what caught my eye next;

“When the Lord saw that he turned away [from the flock] to look, God called to him from the midst of the bush and said, ‘Moses, Moses!’ And he said, ‘Here I am’ (Exodus 3:4).

God didn’t speak to Moses from the bush until Moses had turned away from his flock and He had all of his attention. How many supernatural moments have I missed because I couldn’t pull myself away from the flock? Allowing God to change my identity—one letter at a time—is going to require my willingness to T-Turn away.


Is there a bush burning behind you that you’d love to check out because you have a sense God is in the midst of it?

What are you waiting for? Turn aside from the flock, go to the bush and listen for His call.

Be You!

Be willing to T-Turn away.

Read more by Kolleen at

Kolleen Lucariello

Author Kolleen Lucariello

Kolleen Lucariello, #TheABCGirl, is the author of the devotional book, The ABC's of Who God Says I Am. She writes and speaks into women's lives changing identities -one letter at a time. Kolleen and her high school sweetheart, Pat, reside in Central New York. She's mother of three married children and Mimi to four beautiful grandkids.

More posts by Kolleen Lucariello

Join the discussion 4 Comments

  • Emily Meyer says:

    I needed this today, Kolleen. Thank you so much for these wise words. I think this is where my heart is needing some peace right now. Tough to execute that sometimes, but wow. This is like permission to do that from the Lord!

    • Kolleen says:

      I’m extremely blessed by your comment, Emily. I’ve experienced the dilemma of the responsibility for the flock, while knowing the need to turn away was where I’d hear God. But, looking back, I can see God met me each and every time. I ask God to help you as turn towards the bush!

  • Mary says:

    Oh yes Kolleen ~ what a great message! Sometimes I need “permission” to do just that. Thanks for the reminder and the permission!

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